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24th Supercharging Conference 2019 in Dresden

The Antrova team spent two great days in Dresden at the Supercharging Conference 2019. We had a very good response from car producers and the car industry suppliers. Mr. Markus Widenhorn and Dr. Mario Skopil conducted many conversations about the outstanding possibility of the Comprex™ (pressure-wave supercharger).

The Comprex™ licence will be available by December 2019. For interested enterprises please get in touch now to get your requirements included on the Comprex™ development.

After Dr. Mario Skopil speech in the plenum on the Comprex™ we received many interesting questions which turned into extensive conversations on the topic.

Currently running tests on a gas motor from Fiat Power Train at the Empa in Dübendorf Switzerland was a catching hook for many discussion partners. Gas engines will have a bright future according to many transport experts despite the political opinion makers!

The following link Antrova AG contact will lead you to the presentation given by Dr. Mario Skopil on September 27th.

Stay updated with us on the latest development about future charging technology.

The Antrova AG is thanking the organiser for the two days conference in Dresden / Germany. It was a great experience and very impressing days!

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