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Technical Advisory Service



Consultancy is a term that has been frequently overused. However, Antrova defines the term in its original sense. For Antrova, consultancy means to guide clients with a different background to the best solution. We see ourselves as technical “advocates” for the client who aim to make the best of the situation, regardless of the products, systems and concepts. We do not sell any systems or a cure-all but concrete, applicable ideas and innovations for your company.

However, consultancy is not just an idea. Much more, it is where the actual work begins. The famous citation of Thomas A. Edison puts it in a nutshell: “1 % innovation, 99 % transpiration”. Antrova does not only assist you with finding a solution. By efficient project management every effort is made to reach sound implementation.




Innovations boost the economy. Without innovations you will soon be outpaced by your competitors. Being aware of this fact, our clients rely on Antrova’s innovation power. By initiating dozens of patents for our clients, our employees have clearly demonstrated their innovative strength.

We further offer our support for the development of new solutions in case some outdated technology has to be replaced. Antrova is also at your service if you intend to expand your market in a horizontal direction and to initiate new products. It is mostly a small but crucial detail which turns the product into a cash cow and sets it apart from competing products. Antrova helps you to make details unique.

However, Antrova is not a research company but relies on scientific results and proven models. In practice, there are solutions from other fields which can easily be adapted. Thus, the risks of new developments are minimized and their success is guaranteed.

Why Antrova? In case of a technical problem or if a new development is planned, it is worth seeking our advice as early as possible. Our goal is to find the best solution for you, not to charge for many working hours. The later the development gets started, the less time there is to find a sustainable solution. Moreover, the lead against other competitors is smaller and accordingly, the quicker a new solution must be found. Furthermore, not the most economical solution is found in practice but the fastest. This means that the technological advantage over competitors remains small whereas the cost pressure is high. Antrova is aware of all these dangers and navigates you safely through these stormy waters.


Project Management


A concept of innovation alone is not sufficient, although many companies believe that. Yet this belief often leads to an exceeding of budget and time. Tools to avoid this are a detailed evaluation of the environment and a tight project coordination during implementation.

Evaluation of the environment: Our consultants take a holistic approach to the systems as well as their environment. This is the only way to define achievable and cost-effective goals.

Tight project coordination: You can engage our experts as project managers who provide full assistance in all aspects of your project. Assuming that there are clear and strict guidelines throughout the project, nothing stands in the way to achieve full success.







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