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Rent an Expert

The services of Antrova AG include the human resources section, or how we call it: “Rent an expert” - which is exactly what Antrova offers you.In case you are facing a lack of appropriately qualified employees at a decisive moment, Antrova can help you. We provide you with heads of department and project managers or engineers, resp. constructors to make it possible for you to stick to your project’s timetable.Do you have an overwhelming amount of work to do? Antrova provides you promptly with suitable specialists to complete your tasks as quickly as possible.In today’s business world, a quick “time to market” gives you the decisive advantage over your competitors. It secures you the selling of new products and puts you ahead of all the others. Antrova provides you with the whole development team so that you can start your new project right away. While Antrova is pushing ahead with the new product, you can relax and build your own team and integrate it into the project. Antrova will then gradually retire from the project and transfer responsibility to you. If, against all expectations, the product fails, you will not have invested money in expensive employees that are no longer needed.Our experts are very well trained and know the processes and structures in large companies. For all current CAD, ERP Office and PDM Software we have appropriately trained specialists. This guarantees a minimal training period.







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