We are proud of the latest test result at the Empa Switzerland with our new Comprex.
- 6. Aug. 2021
- 0 Min.
- 22. Juli 2021
- 1 Min.
Wasserstoff Motoren und das neue Comprex™ Druckwellenlader Konzept
- 14. Juli 2021
- 1 Min.
Artikel in der Schweizer Automobil Revue
- 14. Juli 2021
- 1 Min.
NZZ Artikel
- 20. Apr. 2021
- 1 Min.
Advantages of a Comprex™
- 16. März 2021
- 1 Min.
Hydrogen vehicles, the future of clean transportation!
- 20. Feb. 2021
- 1 Min.
100% more torque! Again, a new highlight this week.
- 10. Feb. 2021
- 1 Min.
50% more torque at 1'000rpm compared to turbo solution
- 7. Dez. 2020
- 1 Min.
The New Comprex™ 2020 out now!
- 20. Feb. 2020
- 1 Min.
Great positive response from the participants of the engine congress February 18-19, 2020
- 5. Feb. 2020
- 1 Min.
Antrova at International Engine Congress 2020
- 20. Dez. 2019
- 1 Min.
New boosting concept for a methane-powered engine
- 5. Nov. 2019
- 1 Min.
24th Supercharging Conference 2019 in Dresden
- 4. Juni 2019
- 0 Min.
- 20. Feb. 2019
- 1 Min.
Comprex™ an die FPT Motorenforschung AG ausgeliefert
- 29. Jan. 2019
- 1 Min.
The next step, test side of Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technologies in Germany
- 4. Nov. 2018
- 1 Min.
Comprex™ and the digital twin